Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I'm off

Well...I'm off in a few minutes for a weekend with over 1000 teenagers. It's hard for me to decide who is more fun High Schoolers or Ringers. There are many similarities I've found. I think the thing that draws me to both though is their ability to "play"High School kids can play because they haven't been told not to yet and ringers can play because they've rediscovered (in some cases) that they can. I love that. Oh and can I ask for some prayer coverage for my trek tomorrow? I'm really quite nervous about it. I'm not a good teacher, my words tend to get muddled. Please pray for me that God will give me the right words to say to help these kids see the beauty that is LOTR and more importantly, the Gospel. Also, if you could a more frivolous request....I'm considering dressing in full hobbit garb for the trek. I'm beginning to get cold feet though. I have lots of people encouraging me to do it, but I'm just not sure. I'll let you know when I get back what I end up doing. LOL!! Should be funny if I do. Have a great weekend everyone!!

1 comment:

mepatheticlife8772 said...

I just sent you an email with one more idea for your trek! Oh, well, you will do great!!! I know it. You have my prayers, and don't worry about getting muddled. That's all part of being real and transparent.Your hobbit garb is fantastic, what a great idea!Have fun, I expect a full report.