Saturday, September 1, 2007

Frustrated rambling....

Ok, so in the continuing saga of the internet where I work. It's looking like it's more and more likely that soon I will not have access to the internet at all at work. grrrr...All because of these stupid Windows XP computers and how very difficult it is to keep stuff from getting into them. Dont' get me started.Anyhoo....apparently it took the IT guys 2 hours to "clean" the computer of all the garbage that decided to attach itself to my compter and so of course I got a nice e-mail from my boss reminding me about being careful when going to internet sites and all that...blah blah blah....And, long story short, if it starts happening again, they will just have to cut off our internet all together except for the things we have to have for work related purposes. oooooohhhhhhhh!!!! Ok, and now for my positive thought for the day....Had a really funny thing happen at my house. So my kids and I are sitting in the living room talking...and all of a sudden there's a bolt of lightning out the window and few seconds later a thunder clap. Well...right after the thunder clap my youngest son (formerly known as Hobbitlad, now Gil-ga-lad) says. "Fight the Iraqi's!" Just like that. Out of the blue he says that. We all started cracking up because it was just so random! LOL!!! What a strange little boy. Oh and my sister-in-law finally got her rum today. LOL! We had bought her a bottle of Tortuga Dark Rum when we were on our cruise but had no way of getting it to her. Well, my mother-in-law was going to see her today and took it to her. Yay!! She liked it. Oh and I leave tomorrow for Ohio to see my family and Howard Shore. Well...I'm going to his Concert. I'll be going with TrueHeartedEasterling and meeting FredO and Agape there. Yay!! (ok, this posting positive stuff is getting easier. :-)


linguaepistolar4723yahoocom said...

Can you use a different browser (like Opera or Firefox)? They're less likely to catch stuff from the net.

themasonsinau5tralia9s said...

hug agape and true for me, will you? I don't know Fred, so you can shake his hand for me, LOL

floweryflamingo said...

Glad you had such a nice "positive" thing to post. But that makes me feel a bit sad, that you will be in the same state as me for the concert and can't come my way! The concert's in Pittsuburgh, right? A long way from Reading!!!Ah, well! Maybe I'll get to Wisconsin sometime this year -- but it probably won't be until fall, as we are horribly busy at the office in the summers.Hey, can you come to the LOTR Exhibition in Boston? I'm going!